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VR and Spatial Computing: Transforming the Internet

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VR and Spatial Computing: Transforming the Internet

Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of the World Wide Web, recently shared his predictions for the future of the internet in honor of the web’s 35th birthday. In an interview with CNBC, Berners-Lee highlighted three key developments that he believes will shape internet history going forward.

First, he foresees the rise of trustworthy AI assistants as a major turning point in the way we interact with technology. These AI assistants, akin to trusted doctors, will be able to provide valuable and reliable assistance. This prediction suggests that AI will play an increasingly integral role in our everyday lives.

Secondly, Berners-Lee predicts that individuals will gain more control over their own data. This notion of data ownership is crucial in today’s interconnected world, where personal information is often collected by large corporations. He envisions virtual reality (VR) and spatial computing as the primary means of computer usage. In this context, users can seamlessly transition between VR headsets, large screens, and mobile devices, creating a fluid and immersive experience.

While Berners-Lee did not explicitly mention web3, cryptocurrency, or blockchain technology in the interview, his ideas about the metaverse and spatial computing are closely related. These concepts emphasize the integration of physical movements with digital actions, potentially replacing traditional input methods like keyboards and touch screens.

The tech pioneer suggests that certain agencies may aim to break up big tech conglomerates in the future. This prediction underscores the potential vulnerability even the largest corporations face, as observed by a prominent figure in the field of computer science. Although he did not delve further into this topic, it indicates a growing concern about the concentration of power in the hands of a few dominant tech companies.

Interestingly, Berners-Lee’s journey in creating the World Wide Web began in 1980 when he worked as a contractor at CERN. In 1989, he implemented the hypertext network he had developed at CERN, utilizing protocols and services like TCP and DNS to lay the groundwork for what would eventually become the internet as we know it today.

4 thoughts on “VR and Spatial Computing: Transforming the Internet

  1. The impact of Tim Berners-Lee’s contributions to the internet cannot be overstated. His vision has shaped the way we communicate, access information, and connect with the world. We are forever grateful! Thank you, Mr. Berners-Lee!

  2. I can’t wait for the immersive experiences that Tim Berners-Lee envisions with VR and spatial computing! The ability to seamlessly transition between different devices is going to revolutionize how we interact with technology. So cool!

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